Forum tracking#

forum tracking

Thread tracking#

Basic tracking by thread names

  • . forum thread watch add YourTrackedTag for adding tracking by forum thread name
  • . forum thread watch list - checking what is already tracked
  • . forum thread watch clear - removing all thread tracking
  • . forum thread watch remove YourTrackedTag - removing specific thread tag tracking

Thread ignoring#

Ignoring not desired stuff

  • . forum thread ignore add IgnoredTag - you can add what u don't want to see despite it matching tracking tag other commands are similar to thread tracking

Sub forum tracking#

Each post belongs to subforum. You can see SubForums printed below in the msg example at the picture.

you can track entire subforum by adding it as

  • . forum subforum watch add Flood - to add subforum to track
  • list, clear, remove commands are same as for thread tracking

This feature is aimed specifically for faction subforums, as u can easily add entire subforu for tracking without bothering with keeping track of thread names.

Subforum ignoring#

  • It is even more important ignoring some subforums for this kind of tracking
  • . forum subforum ignore add Other Discovery Servers - allows you to add ignored sub forums for ignoring.