Player tracking#
- Added Systems and Regions will show player in Neutral tab.
- Enemy players (see commands below) will be watched only in added systems or regions
- Player Friends will be watched across entire galaxy regardless of configured other stuff.
System tracking#
. player system add New York
- add system for tracking (You can add it as just partial nameYork
, it should be enough too.). player system remove New York
- remove specific one from tracking. player system list
- check tracked systems. player system clear
- clear all tracked systems
Region tracking#
. player region add Liberty
- to track entire liberty add, clear, list, remove commands are similar to system tracking. -
Check Players online at forum to see valid Region names
Enemy tracking.#
Enemy added tags will be matched only for ships in tracked Systems/Regions!.
. player enemy add [FactionTag]
- Add factin prefixes (or suffixes). player enemy add PartialName
- or partial or any full name.
list, remove, add, clear commands are similar to other command groups
Friends tracking#
. player friend add My Friend
- for tracking friends acorss entire galaxy
list, remove, add clear commands are similar to other command groups