Future project ideas


Language agnostic simple yaml dependency management

// A person has to deal with C++ dependencies

Ergh, at this point may be making small scripting tool to download and track dependencies sounds like not a bad choice
Using git checkout under the hood
It will match how Terraform reusable modules are shared
It downloads dependency matched in tag version , it automatically reloads them if tag in requirements no longer matches downloaded (edited)
Pretty simple concept fully based on git tags and git used for cloning (edited) \ For that matter I could have written such tool without any dependencies working for any language completely in language agnostic way
In Golang pretty simple (edited)
Sounds like a nice little project. Very small effort for high gain
All dependencies will be declared in toolname.yml

Under dependencies: tag

Darkwind — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Since golang has available Inbuilt git client, result will be not using system level deps at all