Hi there! My name is Andrei Novoselov. I am DevOps engineer and Backend developer.
I travel software development world in search of perfection - how to write easiest to maintain code. I reach that through seeking automated forms of validations, from static typing to unit testing and further. At the same time getting the ways of how the code should be structured for easier comprehension, testability, extendability and managing to be not overengineering it in addition. There are a lot of things requiring to find golden balance between them.
Being pragmatic in amount of put effort is my goal and prefering garbage collected programming languages which make easier coding effort. In love with Golang as it fits strongly my approach to coding.
My main interests are in web tech due to it being... cross platform by default ^_^ and requiring no installations from end user. Working in web world I am able to work with the most developer friendly OS known as Linux ^_^.
I participate in a fan community Freelancer Discovery, which was made around space simulator Freelancer and build for them different tooling apps ;)
I have several goals i wish to fulfill.