
Autogit - Git conventional commits linter

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The instrument to enforce git conventional commits to submitted commits through git hooks. CI friendly and without any dependencies. Based on submitted commits generates changelogs for releases and suggests next semantic version of a release. Based on quickly observable feedback from generated changelog, the tool encourages writing better commits further.

The goal of the tool is to decrease toal on writing documentation, and achieving better communication between project maintainers and its end users with minimal effort. As convinient side effect, it will make your repositories more professionally looking, because it encourages you making descriptive commits/tags/releases ^_^.


Typelog - Typed structured logging

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Brings easy refactorable jsonable logs, context rich with key values. JSON format is important for modern logging ecosystems as it is parsable out of the box without any regex. Context rich by types logs with uniform kept keys across the code, help to keep clean Domain language across an application and easily refactoring in one command. Libraries were ensured to try being written in the way were we at maximum protect ourserlves from pressence of `Any` stuff and therefore accidental shooting into our own foots. Exists in golang and python versions.

golang githubpython githubarticle

Argocd-cue - argocd plugin for Cue

Adds ability to autdeploy/syncronyze via argocd code written in Cue configurational language. Supports written manifests in Cue, and helm charts too.



Infra - central infra repo


For servers running pet projects and for reusable common infra code.


Blog - static site generator

Personal web site.

For comfortable way with having everything auto validated, templ go is used to generate static assets of the site. To simplify articles writing further markdown transpiling to html was added and augmented by golang text/template. The made choices helped to achieve 100% customization to any design desires. Fairly small amount of dependencies should help for long term maintenance of the project, as it is aimed for many years of life.


Freelancer community

Darkstat - remaking flstat in online way

Remaking in online way, the old flstat. A tool for navigation of game data for Freelancer game. The main idea that online version will be more accessable. It will be able to have a touch of information never given to client side and thus showing more truthful information.

At this point of time, darkstat also integrated into itself functionality of viewing trading routes like flcompanion, shows tech compatibility for Discovery Freelancer like the old Mactan Network, and has some previously not seen anywhere information like Missions searching, and Ore mining fields search.


Darkbot - Discord bot to track game objects

Discord bot implemented for game community Freelancer Discovery. The bot offers tracking game entities like Players, Bases, Forum records in Discord.

The project is made high coverage unit testable, through minimizing footprint of Discord pressence to a very small isolated code places. Input out of Discord is intercepted and redirect to be handled by Cobra CLI. The action is handled and rendered by CLI back. Thus we have full unit testing local capability for majority of functionality without requirement for any end-to-end testing shenanigans.


Darklint - Linter for game configs

Inspired by python black formatter, it formats Freelancer config files to uniform way.

Developers of Freelancer mods make changes to file configs directly. As extra features it was originally made to denormalize data and having available human readable namings to config entities.


Configs - ORM to access game data

ORM for reading game config files data and writing it back without an effort to write code for file writing. The ORM provides static typed access to the data, the code is abe to distinguish int/str/float types. The project is reused as library for fl-darklint and fl-darkstat. Also intended for applying to fl-darkmap future project.


future ideas